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This is how one of our guest rates us: "The best kitfo I have ever had - thank you Mili, namesegnallen, yekenele, tosimo, gelatoma and to add my language dziekuje".

Thank you for being our guest!

For fun visit us around British Embassy and taste out best kitfo!

This is what Wikipedia says about kitfo:

Kitfo consists of minced raw beed, marinated in mitmita and kibe. The word comes from the Ethio-Semitic root k-t-f, meaning "to chop finely; mince."

For us is is simply tasty and served with love!

You are welcome any time!

Where to find us?Take a taxi from Megenagna towad Arat Kilo and get out between Sholla and the British Embassy. Click on the map on the left for more details.

You can also give us a call for directions:. Reach Mili under 0911 89 83 69.